The agency has developed 100 industrial zones over an area of 3,089 hectares, distributed as follows:
The agency is currently undertaking development works for nine (9) industrial zones covering an area of 310 hectares. The distribution is as follows:
The agency has planned the development of a set of industrial zones covering an area of 1,334 hectares, distributed as follows:
The agency has programmed the development of a group of industrial zones covering an area of 1334 hectares.
The Industrial Real Estate Agency is working to complete the development works of a group of industrial zones distributed along the coastal strip and regional development areas, covering an area of 310 hectares.
The agency has completed the development of 115 industrial zones, covering a total area of 3000 hectares. Of these, 53 industrial zones, spanning 3000 hectares, are located along the coastal strip, while the remaining 47, covering 841 hectares, are situated in regional development areas.
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Route de la Corniche de la Mariem (anciennement Route 8000) 1002 Monplaisir – Tunis