Assignment by sale in industrial development zones:
Cession Conditions :
1. Submission of an application to purchase an industrial plot and a confirmation of the acquisition of an industrial plot to the central control office or to one of the regional delegations or representations of the agency.
2. Submission of an application to the relevant regional governorate for the industrial zone in the name of the Regional Committee Chairman for Monitoring Industrial Zones.
3. Availability of a land inventory for sale.
4. Approval by the Allocation Committee of the Industrial Real Estate Agency based on approved standards, including necessary documents, operational capacity, operation percentage on the area, founder qualifications, supervision ratio, project completion schedule, building percentage from the divided area, renewal, partially or wholly self-sustaining project.
5. Preliminary approval for project financing.
6. Availability of a land inventory for sale.
7. The project must fall within the activities licensed in the industrial zone.
8. Approval of the project by the National Agency for Environmental Protection.
Implementation Stages :
1. Application Submission: The investor submits an application to acquire an industrial plot to the central control office of the agency or to one of the delegations or regional representations by filling out the form available at the agency’s headquarters or at the delegations and regional representations, on the agency’s website, or by directly filling out the electronic application available on the agency’s website at
• Submission of the file (see the required documents) to the governorate, the territorial reference of the industrial zone, in the name of the Regional Committee Chairman for Monitoring Industrial Zones.
• After review by the Regional Committee for Monitoring Industrial Zones of the investor’s application and expression of its opinion on the establishment of the project in the requested area, and receipt of the industrial real estate agency’s report on the matter.
2. Division Assignment: The report is presented to the agency’s Allocation Committee for the study of the file. When ensuring compliance with the mentioned criteria (see assignment conditions) and availability of space, and approval of the project, an assignment letter is prepared by the Commercial Affairs Directorate, indicating the area of the division and the sale price with a thirty (30) day period from the date of issuance of the correspondence for payment of the division price.
3. Division Finalization: After the payment of the assigned division price to the investor, the Commercial Affairs Directorate prepares a request to finalize the division, with the preparation of an example and finalization report by the topographer of the Real Estate Affairs Department to prepare the sales contract.
4. Sales Contract Preparation and Signing: After receiving the Commercial Services of the example and finalization report and verifying the payment of the division price and all associated expenses, the sales contract is prepared by the Sales Department of the Commercial Affairs Directorate, submitted for signing by the agency’s lawyer, and then handed over to the investor for signature at the municipality before being submitted for approval and signature by the Director-General of the agency.
5. Preparation of Explanatory or Final Books: When drafting the sales contract, a provision is included in one of its chapters committing both parties to sign explanatory books for the subdivision sold independently, to complete registration procedures with the Real Estate Property Management. This is done during the land settlement of the industrial zone.
The contract also states the need for the investor to respect and commit to completing his industrial project and entering the actual production phase within a period not exceeding three years.
Required Documents :
I – Reservation Stage
1. Application to purchase an industrial plot (industrial investor)
2. Confirmation of the acquisition of an industrial plot (industrial investor)
3. Justified report on the required area (industrial investor)
4. Economic and technical study of the project (industrial investor)
5. Certificate of deposit of the project declaration with the Industrial and Innovation Promotion Agency.
II – Assignment Stage
1. Decision to allocate financial benefits for regional development in regional development zones (Industrial and Innovation Promotion Agency)
2. Legal documents of the company + copy of the national identity card of the legal representative of the company (industrial investor)
3. Copy of the national identity card for individuals (industrial investor)
4. Necessary administrative licenses related to the planned activity.
III – Payment Stage
1. Price of the industrial plot
2. Information on drafting the sales contract
3. Topographic information for determination
4. Approval of the environmental impact study by the National Agency for Environmental Protection.
Alienation through sale in the industrial zones of the major regions and coastal areas of the Tunisian States:
1) Submission of an application for the acquisition of land and confirmation of land acquisition to the central office of the Industrial Land Agency or to one of its regional delegations or representations.
2) Availability of a stock of lands for sale.
3) Review by the regional committee overseeing industrial zones of the relevant governorate in accordance with approved criteria, including necessary documents, operational capacity, surface occupancy rate, entrepreneur qualifications, staffing rate, project implementation schedule, construction rate relative to the lot area, renewal, partial or total project.
4) Approval by the allocation committee of the Industrial Land Agency.
5) Preliminary approval of project financing.
6) The project must align with authorized activities in the industrial zone.
7) Approval of the project by the National Agency for Environmental Protection. Application Submission: The entrepreneur submits a request for the acquisition of an industrial plot to the agency’s central office or one of its regional delegations or representations by completing the available form at the agency’s headquarters, regional delegations, or online on the agency’s website
8) Submission of the dossier (see the list of required documents) to the territorial reference governorate of the industrial zone in the name of the president of the regional committee overseeing industrial zones.
9) After examination by the regional committee overseeing industrial zones of the entrepreneur’s request and issuance of an opinion on establishing the project in the required zone, and receipt by the Industrial Land Agency of corresponding minutes.
10) Lot Allocation: The minutes are submitted to the agency’s allocation committee for dossier review. Once the mentioned criteria (see alienation conditions) are met, available space and project approval ensured, an allocation letter is prepared by the Commercial Affairs Directorate, specifying the lot area and sale price, with a grace period of thirty (30) days from the correspondence date for lot price payment.
11) Lot Preparation: After payment of the allocated lot price by the entrepreneur according to the allocation letter, the Commercial Affairs Directorate prepares a subdivision request, along with the preparation of an example and the subdivision minutes by the topographer of the Real Estate Affairs Directorate to prepare the sales contract.
12) Sales Contract Preparation and Signing: After receiving the subdivision model and minutes and verifying the lot price payment and all related expenses, the sales contract is prepared by the Sales Department of the Commercial Affairs Directorate and submitted for signature by the agency’s lawyer, then handed to the entrepreneur for signature certification at the town hall before being presented to the general director for signature and certification at the town hall.
13) Preparation of Explanatory or Final Books: During the sales contract drafting, a clause is included requiring both parties to sign explanatory books for the subdivision of the sold lot to finalize the demarcation procedures at the Land Property Directorate. This is done during the land regularization of the industrial zone. The contract also mentions the obligation for the entrepreneur to respect and implement their industrial project, and to effectively enter the production phase within a period not exceeding three years.
I – Allocation Phase
14. Application for the acquisition of an industrial lot (industrial entrepreneur)
15. Confirmation of the acquisition of an industrial lot (industrial entrepreneur)
16. Justified report on the required area (industrial entrepreneur)
17. Economic and technical study of the project (industrial entrepreneur)
18. Certificate of filing the project declaration with the Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation.
6. Legal documents of the company + copy of the national identity card of the legal representative of the company (industrial entrepreneur).
7. Copy of the national identity card for individuals (industrial entrepreneur).
8. Required administrative licenses related to the planned activity. II – Settlement Phase
9. Price of the industrial lot.
10. Information on drafting the sales contract.
11. Information on topographic demarcation.
12. Approval of the environmental impact study by the National Agency for Environmental Protection. Alienation in industrial plots through public auction:
13. Withdrawal of the sales specifications and payment of the guarantee within a maximum of two days before the date of the public auction.
14. Approval by the Director-General of the Agency of the sales minutes, payment of the sale price, and all expenses related to the plot.
15. The closure of the plot sale is only carried out after the registration of the sales minutes with the registry of the enforcing jurisdiction by the notary.
16. The project must align with authorized activities in the industrial zone.
17. Approval of the project by the National Agency for Environmental Protection. Implementation Steps:
18. Specifications for Public Auction: Preparation of the public auction specifications by the Agency and setting the auction date.
19. Publication of the auction announcement: Publication of the auction announcement in daily newspapers and on the website of the Industrial Land Agency, with the availability of the auction specifications for industrial entrepreneurs.
20. Payment of the guarantee: Withdrawal of the specifications and payment of the guarantee within a maximum of two days before the auction date by industrial entrepreneurs.
21. Opening of the auction process: Opening of the public auction process during a public session in the presence of the enforcing notary and industrial entrepreneurs involved in the auction process.
22. Sales minutes: Preparation and signing of the sales minutes by the enforcing notary and the agency’s lawyer, mentioning the buyer’s name, position, final plot price, with the payment of 30% of the total price and 10% of other sales expenses.
23. Approval of the General Directorate: Approval of the General Director on the public auction sales minutes.
24. Registration of the sale: Registration of the public auction sales minutes with the registry of the enforcing jurisdiction by the enforcing notary.
25. Notification of approval: Notification to the buyer of the General Directorate’s approval for the auction process and a call for the settlement of the remaining price within a period not exceeding sixty (60) days.
26. Plot finalization: The plot finalization date is set with the industrial entrepreneur by the agency’s topographers, and a minutes and an example of finalization are prepared for this purpose.
27. Preparation and signing of the sales contract: After verifying the settlement of the sale price and other necessary expenses, as well as providing the required documents by the industrial entrepreneur, the following steps are taken:
• Preparation and signing of the sales contract by the agency’s lawyer based on the final area determined by the example and finalization minutes. The total price payment is made by the industrial entrepreneur.
• Signature of the sales contract by the industrial entrepreneur with identification of their signature.
• Signature of the sales contract by the General Director of the Agency with identification of their signature.
11. Preparation of Explanatory or Final Books: Once the land regularization of the industrial zone is completed and the industrial entrepreneur’s commitments to realize their project and enter the production phase are met, the Agency prepares the explanatory or final books for the industrial plot. Required Documents: I – Participation
12. Public Auction Specifications (Industrial Land Agency).
13. Copy of the national identity card of the legal representative of the company (industrial entrepreneur).
14. Copy of the national identity card for individuals (industrial entrepreneur).
15. Extract from the National Business Register (industrial entrepreneur).
16. Authenticated deed attesting to the balance in the name of the Industrial Land Agency for the amount specified in the specifications based on the provisional guarantee (industrial entrepreneur). II – Titration Phase In accordance with the procedures specified in the specifications. III – Contract Phase
17. Payment of the balance of the purchase price of the industrial plot.
18. Economic and technical study of the project (industrial entrepreneur).
19. Certificate of filing the project declaration with the Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation.
20. Legal documents of the company + national identity card of the legal representative of the company (industrial entrepreneur).
21. Necessary approvals for the activity in case of pollution (approval of the project by the National Agency for Environmental Protection).
22. Information on drafting the sales contract.
23. Information on topographic demarcation.
Aliénation dans les parcelles industrielles par vente aux enchères publiques :
1. Retrait du cahier des charges de vente et paiement de la garantie dans un délai maximum de deux jours avant la date de la vente aux enchères publiques.
2. Approbation du président directeur général de l’Agence du procès-verbal de vente, du règlement du prix de vente et de toutes les dépenses liées à la parcelle.
3. La clôture de la vente de la parcelle n’est effectuée qu’après l’enregistrement du procès-verbal de vente auprès du greffe de la juridiction exécutoire par le notaire.
4. Le projet doit s’inscrire dans le cadre des activités autorisées dans la zone industrielle.
5. Approbation du projet par l’Agence nationale de protection de l’environnement.
Étapes de réalisation :
1. Cahier des charges de vente aux enchères publiques : Préparation du cahier des charges de vente aux enchères publiques par l’Agence et fixation de la date de la vente.
2. Publication de l’annonce de vente : Publication de l’annonce de vente aux enchères dans les journaux quotidiens et sur le site web de l’Agence foncière industrielle, avec mise à disposition du cahier des charges de vente aux enchères pour les entrepreneurs industriels.
3. Paiement de la garantie : Retrait du cahier des charges et paiement de la garantie dans un délai maximum de deux jours avant la date de vente par les entrepreneurs industriels.
4. Ouverture du processus de vente : Ouverture du processus de vente aux enchères publiques lors d’une séance publique en présence du notaire exécutoire et des entrepreneurs industriels concernés par le processus de vente.
4) محضر البيع : إعداد وإمضاء محضر البيع من قبل عدل التنفيذ ومحامي الوكالة وتدوين إسم المشتري وصفته والثمن النهائي للمقسم مقابل دفع نسبة 30 % من الثمن الجملي ونسبة 10 %من مصاريف البيع الأخرى.
6. Approbation de la direction générale : Approbation du directeur général sur le procès-verbal de vente aux enchères publiques.
Enregistrement de la vente : Enregistrement du procès-verbal de vente aux enchères publiques auprès du Trésor Public par l’huissier de justice exécuteur.
Notification d’approbation : Informer l’acheteur de l’approbation de l’administration générale concernant la transaction de vente et l’inviter à régler le solde restant dans un délai n’excédant pas soixante (60) jours.
9. Finalisation de la parcelle : La date de finalisation de la parcelle est fixée avec l’entrepreneur industriel par les topographes de l’Agence, et un procès-verbal et un exemple de finalisation sont préparés à cet effet.
10. Préparation et signature du contrat de vente : Après vérification du règlement du prix de vente et des autres frais nécessaires, ainsi que la fourniture des documents requis par l’entrepreneur industriel, les étapes suivantes sont réalisées :
• Préparation et signature du contrat de vente par l’avocat de l’Agence en fonction de la superficie finale déterminée par l’exemple et le procès-verbal de finalisation. Le paiement total du prix est effectué par l’entrepreneur industriel.
* إمضاء عقد البيع من قبل الباعث الصناعي والتعريف بإمضائه
• Signature du contrat de vente par le directeur général de l’Agence avec identification de sa signature.
11. Préparation des livres explicatifs ou définitifs Une fois la régularisation foncière de la zone industrielle terminée et le respect des engagements de l’entrepreneur industriel pour réaliser son projet et entrer en phase de production, l’Agence prépare les livres explicatifs ou définitifs de la parcelle industrielle.
Documents requis :
1) 1. Cahier des charges de vente aux enchères publiques (الوكالة العقارية الصناعية)
2) 2. Copie de la carte d’identité nationale du représentant légal de la société (entrepreneur industriel)
3) 7. Copie de la carte d’identité nationale pour les personnes physiques (entrepreneur industriel)
4) 4. Extrait du Registre National des Entreprises (entrepreneur industriel)
5) 5. Acte authentique attestant du solde au nom de l’Agence foncière industrielle pour le montant spécifié dans le cahier des charges sur la base de la garantie provisoire (entrepreneur industriel)
Phase de titrisation
Conformément aux procédures spécifiées dans le cahier des charges.
Phase de contrat
1) 1. Paiement du solde du prix d’achat de la parcelle industrielle
2) Étude économique et technique du projet (entrepreneur industriel)
3) 5. Certificat de dépôt de la déclaration de projet auprès de l’Agence de Promotion de l’Industrie et de l’Innovation
4) 4. Documents juridiques de la société + carte d’identité nationale du représentant légal de la société (entrepreneur industriel) (entrepreneur industriel)
5) 5. Approbations nécessaires pour l’activité en cas de pollution approbation du projet par l’Agence nationale de protection de l’environnement)
6) 6. Frais de rédaction du contrat de vente
7) Frais de bornage topographique
Preparation of the Land Status Certificate
Steps to Accomplish :
1) Motivated Request: Submission of a written request in the name of the General Manager of the agency, accompanied by justifications.
2) Payment of Fees: Payment of the certificate fee, amounting to 50 dinars.
3) Verification of Land Status: The agency checks the legal and land status of the industrial plot.
4) Committee Approval: Presentation of the request to the committee responsible for reviewing updated administrative documents for approval of the response to the request.
5) Certificate Preparation: Following the approval of the committee responsible for reviewing administrative documents, the Land Affairs Department prepares the certificate and submits it for approval to the general management.
6) Certificate Delivery: After verifying the fulfillment of all conditions, the land status certificate is delivered to the service applicant.
Required Documents :
1) Motivated written request (Service Applicant)
2) Completion of the form according to the model provided to the service applicant (Service Applicant)
3) Certified copy of the registered sales contract or explanatory or supplementary books if the request concerns a plot located in an industrially liquidated area on the land registry (Service Applicant)
4) Receipt of payment for the certificate fee amounting to 50 dinars (Industrial Real Estate Agency)
Preparation of the Mortgage Inclusion Commitment Certificate
Steps to Accomplish :
1. Motivated Request: Submission of a written request in the name of the General Manager of the agency, accompanied by justification.
2. Verification of Property Status: The agency verifies the legal and land status of the industrial plot.
3. Committee Approval: Presentation of the request to the committee responsible for reviewing updated administrative documents for approval of the response to the request.
4. Certificate Preparation: Following approval from the committee responsible for reviewing administrative documents, the Department of Commercial Affairs prepares the certificate and submits it for approval from the general management.
5. Payment of Fees: Payment of the certificate fee, amounting to 50 Dinars.
6. Certificate Delivery: After confirming compliance with all conditions, delivery of the commitment certificate for mortgage inclusion to the service applicant.
Required Documents :
1. Justified written request (Service Applicant)
2. Completion of the form according to the model provided to the service applicant (Service Applicant)
3. Certified copy of the registered sales contract (Service Applicant)
4. Legal copy of the preliminary approval from the lending institution or registered loan contract (Service Applicant)
5. Certificate of Entry into the Production Phase from the Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation for those whose contracts have exceeded three years
6. Payment receipt for the certificate fee amounting to 50 Dinars (Industrial Real Estate Agency)
Preparation of Explanatory Books or Final Contracts
Stages of Completion :
1. Submission of the Application: The initiator submits an application to acquire an industrial plot to the central registration office of the agency, or to one of the delegations or regional representations through filling out the “Application Form” available on the agency’s website
2. Allocation of the Plot: The minutes are presented to the agency’s allocation committee for the examination of the file. An allocation letter is prepared by the commercial affairs department, specifying the area of the plot and the selling price, with a grace period of thirty (30) days given to the initiator from the date of issuing the correspondence for the settlement of the plot’s price.
3. Plot Development: After settling the price of the allocated plot to the initiator as per the allocation letter, the commercial affairs department prepares a request for plot development. An example and a development report are prepared by the surveyor of the real estate affairs department for the preparation of the sales contract.
4. Preparation and Signing of the Sales Contract: After receiving the example and the development report and verifying the payment of the plot’s price along with all related expenses, the sales department of the commercial affairs prepares the sales contract. It is then submitted for signature by the agency’s lawyer before being handed over to the initiator for identification with their signature at the municipality, prior to being presented to the General Manager for signature at the municipality.
5. Preparation of Explanatory or Final Books: When drafting the sales contract, one of its clauses stipulates the commitment of the parties to sign explanatory books for the subdivision of the sold plot as a separate property, to complete the demarcation procedures at the real estate management. This is done during the land settlement of the industrial area. The contract also stipulates the initiator’s obligation to respect and implement their industrial project and to enter effectively into the production phase within a period not exceeding three years.
Required Documents :
1) Motivated Request (Initiator)
2) Completion of the form according to the model provided to the initiator (Initiator)
3) True Copy of the Registered Sales Contract (Initiator)
4) Updated Legal Documents of the Company (accompanied by the list of new partners) (Initiator)
5) List of New Partners (Initiator)
6) Copy of the National Identity Card (Initiator)
7) Official Minutes of the Completion of Works by a Court Officer accompanied by photographs (Initiator)
8) Declaration of Honor not to Mortgage the Plot, signed by the Initiator (Initiator)
9)Clearance of Fees from the Maintenance and Management Complex (Maintenance and Management Complex)
10) Clearance of the Certificate in the amount of 150 Dinar (Industrial Real Estate Agency)
Autorisation de vente réservée aux institutions de leasing
Conditions d’attribution :
1) Enregistrement du contrat de vente auprès du Trésor Public
2) Entrée en phase de production
3) Paiement des frais de GMG
4) Le lot ne doit pas être soumis à des procédures de droit de déchéance
Étapes de réalisation :
Demande justifiée Dépôt d’une demande écrite au nom du Président Directeur Général de l’agence, accompagnée de justifications.
3. Vérification de la Situation Foncière L’Agence vérifie la situation légale et foncière du lot industriel.
3. Préparation de l’autorisation Préparation de l’autorisation et soumission à l’approbation de la Direction Générale.
4. Remise de l’autorisation Au demandeur
Documents requis :
1) Demande justifiée (Demandeur de Services)
2) Remplissage du formulaire selon le modèle fourni au demandeur de services (Demandeur de Services)
3) Copie conforme du contrat de vente enregistré (Demandeur de Services)
4) Copie légale du contrat de prêt enregistré (Leasing) Leasing
5) Procès-verbal officiel de fin des travaux par un huissier de justice accompagné de photos
6) Certificat de fin de travaux délivré par les services municipaux référents de la zone industrielle Municipalité
7) quittance des frais du groupement de maintenance et de gestion des zones industrielles (GMG)
Delivery of a certified copy of the sales contract, final contract, or explanatory books
Steps to be taken :
1. Motivated request: Submission of a written request in the name of the General Manager of the agency, accompanied by justifications.
2. Verification of the identity of the service applicant.
3. Preparation of the required copies.
4. Fee settlement: Payment of copy fees (15 dinars per copy).
5. Handover of copies: Handover of copies to the service applicant.
Required documents :
1. Motivated written request (Service applicant)
2. Completion of the form according to the model provided to the service applicant (Service applicant)
3. Copy of documents justifying the identity of the service applicant (Service applicant)
4. Receipt of payment for copy fees (15 dinars per copy) (Industrial Real Estate Agency)
Preparation of the Certificate of Lifting the Hand
Steps to Accomplish :
1) Motivated Request: Submission of a written request in the name of the General Manager of the agency, accompanied by justifications.
2) Verification of Property Status: The agency verifies the legal and land status of the industrial plot and submits all required documents from the service applicant.
3. Committee Approval: Presentation of the request to the committee responsible for reviewing updated administrative documents for approval.
4. Certificate Preparation: Following the approval of the committee responsible for reviewing administrative documents, the Commercial Affairs Department prepares the explanatory books or the final contract and submits it for approval to the general management.
5. Payment of Fees: Payment of the preparation fee for the explanatory books or the final contract, amounting to 150 dinars.
6. Delivery of Explanatory Books or Final Contract: After verifying the fulfillment of all conditions, the explanatory books or the final contract are delivered to the service applicant.
Required Documents :
1) Motivated written request (Service Applicant)
2) Completion of the form according to the model provided to the service applicant (Service Applicant)
3) Certified copy of the registered sales contract or explanatory books (Service Applicant)
4) Commercial Register extract (National Registry of Enterprises)
5) Recent ownership certificate (Real Estate Property Management)
6) Example of building blocks by a surveying expert (Plan Masse) (Service Applicant)
7) Affirmation of the commitment not to mortgage the plot, identified by the signature of the service applicant
8) Receipt of payment for maintenance and disposal fees (Maintenance and Disposal Complex)
9) Certificate of entry into the production phase (Industrial Renewal and Development Agency)
Shatt Maryam Street (formerly 8000 Street) 1002 Menzah 9 – Tunis