The activity of the Industrial Land Agency (AFI) involves the development of zones as well as the construction of industrial premises, providing tailored solutions to the needs of investors and industrial developers. As a public enterprise, AFI’s mission is to make suitable infrastructure available to industrial stakeholders to promote the industrial fabric, generate wealth, and create employment across the entire Tunisian territory.
To achieve this objective, AFI offers a comprehensive range of specialized services in the development of industrial zones and premises, including:
1. Identification of sites situable for industrialo activities: This involves coordination with various stakeholders, starting with the supervisory ministry and other ministries responsible for state affairs, infrastructure, environment, agriculture, as well as public utilities such as STEG, La SONEDE, and ONAS.
2. Change of use for identified lands.
3. Acquisition of industrial lands.
4. Development of industrial zones: Once the land is acquired, AFI undertakes the development of industrial zones by conducting necessary infrastructure studies and works, such as land servicing, road development, installation of sewage and stormwater drainage systems, water supply, electrification, public lighting, fire prevention, and telecommunication.
5. Development and commercialization of lands: AFI promotes and markets developed lands to industrial stakeholders, offering tailored packages to meet their needs. This includes communicating the advantages provided by the government and site-specific benefits.
6. Business support: AFI also provides personalized support to companies wishing to establish themselves in developed industrial zones, assisting them in finding solutions tailored to their needs, whether in terms of space, location, financing, or administrative support.
Shatt Maryam Street (formerly 8000 Street) 1002 Menzah 9 – Tunis